Nuestros Estudiantes
A progress with our Spanish School in Quito would never have been possible without the students that we have received from all over the world and also all the teachers that we have here. Your family in Quito! Thank you to you all for learnign Spanish here. I appreciate all your positive comments you gave us day by day.
Azbuceadora - 1999
"My Spanish tutor used to teach at Cristobal Colon and thinks it's a well-organized school. She said there are lots of students from all over the world there.".
Retired Director of bilingual school recommends C. Colon
"Having spent several ..
Jaap Bezemer
I’m a Dutch medical doctor and studied Spanish during 4 months in ......
"Lovely hostel. We...
I learned a lot with this school Cristobal Colon using skype...