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$8 for 1 hour of private lesson

$25 Airport Pick Up in a private Van Car

$15 p/n of accommodatiom - 2 meals included

 All prices below are for One-to-One learning!

Students can first try for one day of lessons at the school then decide whether to pay or not for future lessons.  

NO registration fee -  Pay weekly


Pay as you Go

Schedule your classes daily or weekly

Cost: $8 p/h

Learn Spanish as much as you can weekly considering your activity in Quito: Work, Travel, Studies, Style of life, etc.



2 to 4 hours a day, 2 or 3 days a week.

Weekend classes are also availble when you are a busy person during the week.

Learn Basics with this program but improve your skills while working, travelling or living in Quito


Weekly Course - $160 (20 Hours)



  • 1 week 20 hours $160

  • 2 week 40 hours $320

  • 3 weeks 60 hours $480

  • 4 weeks 80 hours $640


This is a very flexible way to learn Spanish. Lear Spanish Week by Week. Pay weekly.



20, 40, 60or 80 private lessons (One to One) 20 hours a week / 4 hours a day. 

Most of students like this "Weekly program" because in case you enjoy the class with your Spanish Teacher you can ask for more or just stop when feeling enough.

Sometimes students stop for travelling purposes but return later for more. 

Please look for more Programs:.. HERE





Complete Course (6 weeks)

Learn Spanish level by level with.

A perfect Plan for 6 weeks of studies. 

Learn Spanish in a progressive manner, step by step from the most basic Spanish until the most dificult topics.

Dayly activities out of the School are included.

Cost: $960 or, $160 per week.



120 Hours Program in 6 weeks period. 4 hours a day.



  • Do windows shoping around to practice the Language.
  • Activities during the class: Cooking lessons or, Salsa lessons
  • Visits of the town. Colonial Part, Churches, Middle of the world, etc.
  • Weekly Evaluation tests
  • Diploma & Certificate of studies with Level reached at the end of the course. 




Weekly and end-of-level assessment exams.


  • Nivel Principiante 
  • Nivel Intermedio
  • Nivel Avanzado 

Cultural Program

Learn Spanish & Travel Quito

Learn the Spanish Grammar in the first 2 hours each day from 9am until 11am then, visit Quito...!

Cost: $350


Program Covers:

$30 hours Spanish Lessons - 5 days - 6 hours a days.


5 activities in town:

  • Quito City Tour

  • Cable car Teleferico,

  • Equator & Intinan museum,

  • Gayasamin museum,

  • Old Town / La Ronda


NOTE: Fully Public Transportation all time, refreshments and fees included during visits.



1. La Ronda, a colonial street in the old town. Here you can have a coffee and rest. There are very nice restaurants.

2. Plaza Foch, area of national and foreign visitors with good restaurants and hotels around. It is also a place of concentration of the people when there are public spectacles com the international football, important national holidays, cultural activities and more.

3. The Cable Car starts at 9am and can take up to 5 hours if you want to ride a bit .. It takes a sunny day.

4. The local market of Santa Clara to try a typical Ecuadorian meal. It is a traditional and popular market.

5. The craft market of “La Mariscal” is an important place to buy some small souvenirs for your friends in your country.

6. The Botanical Garden of "Parque La Carolina". If you like to enjoy nature, walk or make ice cream, this is a good place.

7. The "Central Market" if you like the traditional fish of Quito "Corvinas" you should go there with friends.

8. The museum "del penal" The old prison of Quito. In the old town. It is an interesting experience "The midnight express" sensation in Ecuador The giant "Parque La Carolina". Safe area for walking and doing free sports such as soccer, tennis, basketball, boating, etc.




Online Lessons

Learn Spanish without leaving home.

  • $9/ph

  • Choose Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp Platform for it.

  • Package deal is $80 for 10 lessons.



1 up to 2 hours sesion a day.

Choose our Ecuador tieme to organize your class from your place.

We are open 24/7 for Online lessons. Just WhatsApp to us now: HERE


Choose the Platform you want to use:

- Skype Username: onllinespanishcourses

- Zoom Username: Cristobal Colon SpanishSchool / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- WhatsApp Plattform:


Options of Payment... HERE


Studenty VISA Course

6 months Student VISA Course

  • $720 - 6 months Visa Course (80 hours Course)
  • $100 for registration fee

 1 year Student VISA Course

  • $1440 -  1 year Visa Course (160 hours Course)
  • $100 for registration fee

Please follow this link to know how to start and process:

Authentic Tradition