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Children, Infantile Centre and Teachers in Need


We are an Ecuadorian ONG Organization Based in Quito since 2004 which can arrange a Social and Enviroment programs for those young people, students, adults who are concerned on this topics

Volunteers can do the service with: Disabled Children, Poor Children in Schools, Teach English or also can help with enviroment protection in conservation projects, this here in Quito or in Galapagos Islands.

Every program can be arranged weekly. This is your opportunity to help!

Maintenance/Building, Day Care and Travelling Ecuador

Complete Volunteer Program

Plan your 1,2,3 weeks program with your University to Volunteer and Travel Ecuador.

Consists of three different STAGES:

- STAGE 1. Maintenance of children's facilities,

- STAGE 2. Interaction with the children of the Children's Centers

- STAGE 3. Visit important places in Ecuador

STAGE 1. Maintenance of children's facilities.

In the first stage of the project, we are exclusively dedicated to BEAUTIFY the Children's Centers that require help and that are mostly located in the South of Quito.

The most common and urgent fixes are:

• General cleaning of the Children's Center,

• We paint the deteriorated walls,

• We fix damaged parts in the infrastructure

• We put colors throughout the establishment,

• We draw murals on various walls of the Center,

• We place natural plants throughout the Center

• We leave the entire place in the best conditions so that children can safely and comfortably enjoy all its facilities.

Volunteers at this stage will be very satisfied for having had the opportunity to work on behalf of these children because the results of their work will be truly visible and worthy of applause. According to our experience, change is always very nice.


STAGE 2. Interaction with the children of the Center

In the second stage, all the volunteers have the opportunity to SHARE a short but emotional moment with the children and with their formidable kindergarten teachers who, in addition to offering us their friendship and joy, will applaud and thank the work that our young volunteers have done.

During each moment of socialization with the children, the volunteers will also offer the children some sandwiches, ice creams or snacks as a snack, they will play some time with them and enjoy unforgettable moments taking them in their arms taking photos with them to remember them.

The children and teachers of the Children's Centers, in turn, will appreciate our work and will surely reward each volunteer with some nice words of thanks or with souvenir medals made by themselves.

All the Ecuadorian volunteers and guides will enjoy incredible moments with social work, with the children and for the beautiful experience lived in Ecuador. The final farewell will be very sad, but the satisfaction of having given your love and time to these children will be enough motivation to continue our journey through the rest of Ecuador.


STAGE 3. Visits to important places in Ecuador

In the third and final stage, we will have the opportunity to SEE important places in Ecuador: Quito, Mindo, Baños, Tena, etc.

The first visits are usually in Quito during the afternoons after social work at the Children's Center and corresponding lunch.

• The main visits in Quito can be:

• The Colonial City,

• The Middle of the World or Ecquador,

• The cable car,

• The Water Museum,

• La Chiva Bus in night out,

• Salsa and Bachata classes

• Nice dinner in a cozy restaurant in the Capital.

NOTE: In each place of view, we will always have time to buy gifts for our loved ones.


At the end of our planned visits in Quito, we will have the opportunity to visit other cities or wait for the weekend to visit a place near Quito such as: Baños, Mindo, Otavalo, Cotopaxi, etc.

Baños and Mindo are places highly visited by volunteers because they are easily accessible by transportation and because their temperatures are warm, tropical, and super calm with many opportunities for adventure activities.

• The main activities we do are:

• Rafting in the Pastaza River in class 3.

• Crossing the river in tarabita at more than 120 meters high,

• Zip-Line 350 meters long.

• View to the Tree House with a 50-minute walk

• Hike on the scary hanging bridge in the “Pailón de Diablo” Waterfall

These small towns and their surroundings are the perfect setting for many of the volunteers to overcome CHALLENGES that they never imagined.

We congratulate all the volunteer children who decide to come to Ecuador for VOLUNTEER SERVICE in favor of children and to get to know our wonderful Ecuador.

The guides, Carla, Cristian, Miguel and Jose, have many years of experience doing this social activity with young foreigners and we promise them responsibility and absolute security during their entire stay in this country. Welcome to all the volunteers of the World!